- Meißner, A./Bort S./Bleyer B. (2021): This criticism of the Supply Chain Act is scientifically unjustifiable!", in Wirtschaftswoche 48, pp. 42-43.
- Meißner, Annekatrin (2021): Business ethics: Global co-responsibility for unjust consequences of the market system. Using the example of the pollution of the Mar Menor Lagoon (Spain), in: Anna, Henkel (eds.): 10 Minutes of Sociology. Responsibility, Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, pp. 137-150.
- Meißner, Annekatrin (2021): Education and poverty in: Gottfried Schweiger, Clemens Sedmak (eds.): Handbuch Philosophie und Armut, Berlin: J.B. Metzler, pp. 370-376.
- Meißner, Annekatrin (2019): CSR Through Intersectoral Partnership in the Field of Education: The Case of "Pescar", in C. Stehr et al. (eds.): Corporate Social Responsibility in Brazil. The Future is Now, Cham: Springer, pp. 309 - 330,
- Meißner, Annekatrin (2017): Cooperative educational responsibility as a way out of poverty. Dissertation thesis, Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Meißner, Annekatrin (2014): Unternehmerische Verantwortung für Verwirklichungschancen auf Bildung, in: M. Quante (ed.): XXIIIth Congress of the German Society for Philosophy 2014 Münster / 44th History - Society - Geltung, conference publication online.
- Meißner, Annekatrin (2011): Poverty as a consequence of global injustice? - On the Relevance of the Approaches of Sen and Pogge, in: B. Beck/ C. Thies (eds.): Moral und Recht. Philosophische und juristische Beiträge, Passau: Stutz, pp. 105-124.
- Meißner, Annekatrin (2011): 'Favela versus Asfalto' Bairros Marginalizados no Rio de Janeiro no cinema brasileiro contemporâneo (together with Christopher Stehr), in: V. Jaeckel (ed.): Olhares lítero-artísticos sobre a cidade moderna. Literarisch-künstlerische Blicke auf die moderne Stadt, Munich: Meidenbauer, pp. 161 - 178.
- Meißner, Annekatrin (2010): The Favela Image in Brazilian Film: From the 'Aesthetics of Hunger' to the 'Aesthetics of Violence'?! (together with Christopher Stehr), in: Lusorama, no. 77-78, pp. 201-224.
- Meißner, Annekatrin (2009): Brazilian Cinema - Site of Critical Engagement with the Prevailing Favela Image in Society ?, (together with Christopher Stehr), in: Brasiliennachrichten, No. 140, pp. 6f.
- VIII Conference for Practical Philosophy, title: ""The Potential of Sen's Capability Approach for the Business Ethical Foundation of Doughnut Economics"" (1.10.2021) University of Salzburg.
- Triokon Conference-Digital, title: "Applied CSR sustainability reporting in comparison" (29.09.2020).
- Professors' Research Atelier on Sustainability, title: "Business Ethical Perspectives", together with Prof. Dr. Dr. Peter Fonk, (20.11.2019).
- Public lecture series University of Passau, ""10-Minutes of Sociology", title: "Global co-responsibility for unjust consequences of the market system" (13.11.2019).
- CSR Day at GGS Heilbronn, title: "CSR in the education sector-Intersectoral assumption of responsibility using the example of the Pescar project in Brazil" (22.06.2019) Heilbronn.
- XING Network Passau, Title: "Ethical Responsibility in Business" (4.07.2018)
- Green University Group Passau, Title: "Global Responsibility - Concepts from Economics and Philosophy, (June 2017).
- Brazil Day of the German Graduate School of Management and Law (GGS) Heilbronn, title: "The Social Franchise System Pescar" (March 2016).
- Conference: Practical Philosophy?, University of Salzburg, title: "Entrepreneurial Responsibility for Realising Opportunities for Education" (October 2013).
- ADLAF-Nachwuchstagung Politische Akademie Tutzing, topic: Presentation of the dissertation project (May 2011).
- CR³ Conference The Power of CSR Helsinki, Title: "Social Franchising: Challenges of Business-NGO Partnerships" (April 2011).
- Oikos UNDP Development Academy Turrialba, Alajuela, Costa Rica, Topic: Presentation of the dissertation project (September 2010).
- Lecture series "Aktuelles Forum Philosophie" University of Passau, Title: "Ethical Aspects of the Problem of Poverty" (May 2010)".