Research project by Georg Klampfl
Title: Presentation and comparison of corporate and political measures to eliminate child labour in Bangladesh.
Short description of the context: The main topic "child labor in Bangladesh" will be examined more closely from different perspectives of involved actors within the framework of a cumulative dissertation. One focus will be on the conditions in textile factories.
Question: What measures and control options do individual actors in the textile industry and politics use to fulfil their social responsibility to eliminate child labour in Bangladesh?
Aim: The aim of the dissertation project is to identify different measures taken by different actors in the textile industry and to evaluate them on the basis of criteria. The developed comparative matrix is to serve as a recommendation for action for other actors.
Method: The project concentrates primarily on empirical studies, by means of which the current state of affairs is to be mapped.
Content: The intention is to publish four essays with the main topic "Child Labour in Bangladesh" as well as a cover text, which will have the contextualisation of the individual essays as its theme. The first two essays focus on the actions of German companies. The subsequent essays focus on policy actions and actions of factory owners on the ground in Bangladesh.
Timeframe: The cumulative dissertation will be completed between April 2022 and March 2025.
Participating Institutions/People: The essays will be prepared using a selection of German companies and involving local aid organisations, auditors and knowledgeable local contacts in Bangladesh.