Academic theses at the Institute
- "Female Social Entrepreneurship - A qualitative analysis of the start-up motivation of female social entrepreneurs." Nele Disselkamp (MA ICBS).
- "Sustainability Reporting from a Social Ethical Perspective. A comparative analysis of the German Sustainability Code and the Common Good Balance Sheet." Franziska von Köller (MA CWM).
- "The contribution of human resource development to overcoming the shortage of skilled workers in care" Fernanda Fernandez Hernandez (MA CWM).
- "Potentials and limits of sustainable consumer behaviour. An analysis based on the practices of the post-growth economy." Lucia Delgado Freiberg (BA ICBS).
- "Feminist economics and post-growth discourse. An analysis of synergies in relation to growth critiques and transformation proposals." Josa Koinzer (BA ICBS).
- "Social background and educational empowerment. A comparative analysis between Germany and Finland." Kirsten Lehrer (BA ICBS)
- "The Question of a Fulfilled Life. A conceptual comparison of aspects of life satisfaction according to Harmut Rosa and John Maynard Keynes." Franka Walde (BA ICBS)
- "Relevant cooperation partners for sustainable enterprises - A qualitative analysis to determine selection criteria" Marisa Boese (MA ICBS).
- "Impact analysis of sustainability based on donut economics" Sophia Jaegers (BA ICBS)
- "The discourse around a German supply chain law - A network analysis with business ethics evaluation from an ordonomic perspective" Eva Kleemann (MA ICBS)
- "Nudging to support sustainable consumption? To what extent are sustainability labels a successful nudge to support sustainable consumption?" Valerie Burkhardt (MA ICBS)
- "Green Recovery - a comparison of key concepts" Jocelyn Rick (BA ICBS)
- "Corporate responsibility for the implementation of the human right to water" Johanna Sommer (MA CWM)
- "Diversity Concepts at the Central Organisations of Voluntary Welfare Work in Germany in Comparison in the Winter Semester 2020/21" Viktoria Helmö (MA CWM)
- "Buen Vivir - a transformation in the sense of the second enlightenment of the Club of Rome?" Nina Stratil (BA ICBS)
- "Comparison of the theoretical positions of Harald Welzer and Niko Paech in the context of the sustainability discourse: Everything could be different - in a free society." Noah Hinsberger (BA ICBS)
- "Corporate responsibility in global value chains as colonial continuity?" Lena Maria Borisch (MA ICB Studies)
- "Social entrepreneurship as lived business ethics?" Sarah Zuleger (MA ICB Studies)
- "Sustainable Development? An analysis of the EU Green Deal based on the concept of strong sustainability as well as the concept of post-growth economics" Marie-Therese Christl (MA ICBS)
- "Values in companies - the challenge of Generation Z" Sarah Rottenegger (MA CWM)
- "The transformative power of the commons. Commoning as a path to strong sustainability?" Sophia Recht (BA ICBS)
- "The role of training interventions in cross-departmental understanding of organisational values: a qualitative analysis of intraorganisational value understanding in the case of Caritasverband der Diözese Passau e.V." Anna-Katharina Brose (MA MBA)- Betreuung in Kooperation mit dem Lehrstuhl für Internationales Management.
- "Peter Ulrich's Concept of a Civilised Market Economy: Realisation Potentials through Energy Cooperatives in Germany" Bianca Schuster (MA ICB Studies)
- "The responsibility of the textile industry for the human right of access to clean water using the example of the Citarum River in Indonesia" Martha Scheifel (BA ICB Studies)
- "Sustainability in the food sector through social transformation. An analysis of two initiatives from the field of agriculture and nutrition" Anna Gerner (MA ICB Studies)
- "Corporate responsibility for human rights and its integration into CSR reporting" Sabrina Hartmann (MA ICB Studies).
- "Comparison of corporate social responsibility in the nonprofit and forprofit sectors" Anne Kathrin Meinelt (MA CWM)
- "Responsible consumption in the food sector. Ethical reflection and practical implementation using the Regiothek website as an example". Sabine Bachmeier (MA CWM).
- "Knowledge management in modern human resource development - concept, theoretical foundation and practical use of competence profiles using the Lindner Group as an example" Isabella Haider (MA CWM).
- "Social entrepreneurship - an attempt at definition and categorisation" Jakob Seiser (MA CWM)